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Old 06-17-06, 10:19 PM   #21
The Gladiator
Light Weight
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Posts: 307

Originally Posted by Myself
I can understand where you're coming from, I on the other hand am a very social person so I've got alot of support for my shit and a girlfriend who would do anything for me. Really, you've got to just go out of your way to meet people. Easiest way, join a sport... But small town people aren't going to try and meet you so YOU'VE got to approach them. And, don't think I'm just some preachy know-nothing, because I lived in a very populated city/suburb of Connecticut all of my life then right before going into freshman year of highschool my parents decided to move me 8 hours away to East Blue Hills Maine. The school had kids from 8 surounding towns going to it and still the student count hit a whapping 250. If you dont go after these people they wont let you in, trust me. Also, start running or exercising, again if you join a sport that would help gain some friend and would give you exercise. But, exercise is a natural anti-depressant. Exercise releases the same endorphans that anti-depressant medications force the brain to release, and there for it naturally fights off anxiety and depression. So, my advice man, really make an effort to get out there, even if you feel entirely awkward because once you make friends it will be well worth it... Besides, if you don't know anyone and you're non-existant than what does it matter if you make a fool out of yourself? Atleast you'll get the satisfaction of knowing you made a valid attempt at self improvement.

If you ever need some more advice feel free to get at me man, I've had to deal with a lot of emotional issues, so, I've got enough advice to write a novel and I'm always happy to help someone get there life back in order.

yea werd thanx for the advice....i've become VERY lost in trust me i mean LOST...just about the most lost u can get...i was gon start working out anyway but i didnt know it helped wit ur depression
i'll defintly try workin out now
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