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Old 06-18-06, 09:11 AM   #46
New to RV
Posts: 18

Originally Posted by I.G.
it's up to the individuals to come out of the situation they are in... i'm the black sheep of my family... my mom did drugs... my dad was an alcoholic... i wanted more... i made the honor roll in school.. joined the military... did some college... had a family.... bought a house and two cars... i had a vision of what i wanted... once you have a vision you need a plan.... once you have a plan you need to execute... once you execute the plan you need to stay focused and keep ya eyes on the prize... you do that and ya get results... nothing is impossible if you want it bad enough.... the race factor is a cop out.. and yes, i'm black... and yes i still have goals i want to accomplish... and yes ya better believe omma make it happen...

on one hand i can understand where ya coming from by saying the country is controlled by "the man".. but at the same time if you ain't gon try and do sumn to remedy the situation the you have no reason to be mad... are you attending boycotts?... are you writing to your congressman?... are you pursuing a higher education? are you forming groups in your community to get people off they asses and do sumn about the crime in the neighborhoods you live in?... if not then all you doing is waiting for the same dude you complaining about to come clean ya shyt up for you...

start in your own backyard.... what good is a list of complaints/problems if you ain't got any possible solutions?


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