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Old 06-18-06, 09:20 AM   #49
Shear Kaughn
Broke as hell
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Posts: 2,276
From: Tenn-EZ

Originally Posted by Nostradamus
YO, you keep on preaching like that...

Because there are literally thousands of rich black people out there tonight putting food on the table paid for with their good jobs...

Not everyone in your race is struggling pal... Just like 'the white man' is a patheticxally stupid generalisation considering not all white people are in power.

did you read anything that i wrote? seriously did you? black people AS A WHOLE have a harder time providing for themselves in this country. and that is due to the views and perspecitves from my countries history. not every ppportunity and open door given to a white person will be given to a black person for the better. so black people have to strive even harder to come up out their situation. you obviously have a lot of learning to do about the United States there son. and no not all white men are in power. but in my countries history it has been that way FOR A LONG TIME. and for the most part. who has always been the president of the united states...oh yea a white man....that may change this next upcoming election, but thats an if.

and one more thing..i'm not generalizing white people here pal. i'm telling you what is the truth. are you even from america? i don't know if you are. but if you was then you wouldn't be making ignorant statments like you are. are you black...more then likely not. so once again.....go take a sociology class on the society of need untill you can actually say something that directly represents reality, your just another lost mothafucka with no clue

and one more thing...your little bit about more white people are in poverty then blacks....your right....but what your dumbass isn't right about is the percentage ratio....BIG DIFFERENCE THERE SONNY.....much larger black poverty percentage then white......why is that?..inequality. and don't tell me that they just need to work hard and get out their situation...i'm quite sure most of them are....but did anything ring a bell to you on why a larger percentage of black poverty is even there in the first place? a book bitch
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