Thread: The Door
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Old 06-19-06, 04:31 PM   #1
Jack The Ripper
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Posts: 11,759
The Door


The Door

I stand observing this large door
Composed of stainless steel and locks galore
Perhaps with a reinforced hard core
Contemplating whether or not I should go hardcore
And blow it into shards all over this hard floor
I've mastered explosives down to an artform
But alas, this door seems to be thick, 7 feet in height
Probably immune to the blast of a stick of dynamite
But if I rig it right it just might blow
You never know... here it goes
Damn, so much for that plan
I had a feeling it wouldn't stand a fat chance
Maybe I should try again with this gas can
Well that didn't work ofcourse
I guess I should use finesse instead of brute force
It's said the pen is mightier then the sword
Unless he who holds the pen does not know how to write
Then again,
he who wields the sword may not know how to fight
Though in this case subtlety should work right
The door is locked...
Therefore there must be a way to unlock it
Perhaps I could use my lock pick?
You can say i'm some what of a lock smith
Here it goes...
...shit, I didn't hear the lock click
If explosives and lock picks didn't do the job
Then perhaps maybe I should just turn the knob...
...ah yes, that worked, on I go
It's JTR, lyrical art
The towers aren't still standing but the pyramids are...
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