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Old 06-22-06, 03:14 PM   #1
Beginning Your Ending
Posts: 1,236
I had a scary fucking dream last night...


Last night I had one of the scariest dreams I've ever had. It's the first time I remember where I've woke up and cried out.

It was about me being this guy who had a son who could 'see things', in other words he had the shine. Well anyway about 50 years or so there used to be this bridge nearby my house, and this scrawny kid with short hair and glasses who was the same age as my kid one day climbed up that bridge and leaned over the edge to tag "Passive - Changing Thoughts." He fell to his death and smashed on the concrete below, where I remember him lying with his eyes wide open and head broken against a wall. My son also liked graffitti, and tagged 'Changing Thoughts', I didn't think anything of it until I thought I could hear strange footsteps going down the stairs at night and my son saying he saw this kid in the bathroom grinning with blood running down the side of his face. I then found this 50 year old newspaper article lying in my bed one morning saying about this kid who tagged 'Passive - Changing Thoughts', and I was shocked. Why would my kid keep tagging that? I then found out at the end the man who built the house (who was the dead kids dad) built a secret room at the bottom of the stairs which was bricked up after the kid died and was called the "passive room." One night I went down stairs to see a door I had never seen before swinging slowly open and a ghostly white kid standing in the room grinning with blood running down his head aiming a spray can at me, whispering "come closer daddy..." and me screaming in the dream and waking up with a cry.

It was scary as hell, and so vivid and real.
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