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Old 06-23-06, 09:38 PM   #4
Marcus Aurelius
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Posts: 65

ya'll may not think I'm good.but it's coo, u ain't gotta gas me.
but I won't bite, recycle, or suck. cause that's nasdeey.
yea...I read ur profile. u've been scouted...
closet, crib, strike three..
^--just pick one, whatever u've been outed.
I'll rip ur spine.split ur eyes. gut ur stomach and balls.
so much more than a text record, this a graphic loss.
I'm text royalty. so learn ur place.
cause I gotta pedigree Triple H'd use to bruise ur face.
now hold the phone...(I can't believe I battled this dunce).
no, literally hold the phone! do something right for once.
The Gift of Gab