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Old 06-24-06, 09:23 AM   #10
New to RV
Posts: 11

Yeah This Was Pretty Nice Drop

Flow Was Alright, Interesting Way You Structured This To Grip The Flow, That Was Cool InItself and why the fuck am i talking in capitals
yeah the structure of the flow was interesting but the actuall flow itself was a bit bland, try and make it off the wall with multi-syllabic rhyming/add some half rhymes in etc

content wise i was feelin' a few of your lines:

Lost track of time, his name, and everything else in this world


As feelings commence, frustration and hatred remain clashing

that was cool, but it's only a foundation to develop some sick ideas..the remain clashing concept caught my eyes perhaps you could of linked in your feelings clashing with a clash of the titan ideas or added a w'play around the clash being the rock band

Ok Return the favour on my Horrorcore verse Ayperish when it's posted plz

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