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Old 06-24-06, 12:26 PM   #16
Roger Glocks
Middle Weight
Posts: 412


Ya shook, dyke.. so to make this fair, we'll take this to ur site
Wait, then PR your not even considered good, right?

& you could almost attain a vote, but hopps, ya flow sucks..
they'll be voting for ME.. the first two letters got ya hopes up


ya lines that dont hit.. n the wording is drawn out
Merc, I'll whip ya ass for cash.. than tell you its on the house
You suck at this shit! So i'ma keep dissing and pawnin’ you..
i could say "Om an asshole".. and i’d STILL be talking on you!

The kid is wack.. n when the votes come in, i betcha
My verse blows out 'Ni's... like running backs and catchers

even battle...just mercules had alittle more punches and his other ones that weren't quotables were alittle better then omni's...good battle tho

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