Thread: The human soul.
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Old 06-25-06, 08:42 AM   #9
I have a lot to learn...
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Posts: 9,740
From: Life.

Originally Posted by Nostradamus
True that..

But if you believe in a god then you obviously believe in an ultumate plan life is working towards. Therefore I dont look at myself as insignifigant because I am (according to my inability to strive towards a complete end to my universal concience) here for a substancial purpose that I have to complete before my time is up.

Just the same as everyone else, no matter how signifigant or insignifigant their contribution to man kind is.

There is no good or evil when life is looked at with a perception generated by logic. Because everything in existance works together as an equilibrium and continues to work through its course of cause and effect.

Even the worst occurances in the entire anthropic history have taught us as survivors of natural selection important lessons of life.

Well I didn't necessarily mean insignificant in the scope of individual aspiration and acheivement. Of course the self is important to almost everyone. I'm just saying that from a more wholistic approach, the self is meaningless. For example, look at you... Your name is Alex. Does that have anything at all to do with who you are or what you are? Would you be different if your name was something else? It doesn't matter at all. And what makes you up? Just your memories and emotions. There is no actual substance or permenance behind what we perceive ourselves to be. If we drop our pre-conceived ideas and egos, we are left with our true selves. That is what I meant when I said what we are in this world is useless and insignificant.
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