Thread: The human soul.
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Old 06-25-06, 12:52 PM   #10
La Cosa Nostra
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From: Gaza Strip

Originally Posted by Terumoto
Well I didn't necessarily mean insignificant in the scope of individual aspiration and acheivement. Of course the self is important to almost everyone. I'm just saying that from a more wholistic approach, the self is meaningless. For example, look at you... Your name is Alex. Does that have anything at all to do with who you are or what you are? Would you be different if your name was something else? It doesn't matter at all. And what makes you up? Just your memories and emotions. There is no actual substance or permenance behind what we perceive ourselves to be. If we drop our pre-conceived ideas and egos, we are left with our true selves. That is what I meant when I said what we are in this world is useless and insignificant.

Your philosophies are based on everyone being the same.

Insignifigance is for those who feel they are just like everyone else. There have been studies about names of people influencing aspects of their lives. Did you know the very date you were born correlating to the gravity field you were in at a certain time in history defines vital aspects of your personality? Its called astrology. The study has been around since before 6000 BC and only since the inquisition have we as humans claimed it as witchcraft and only a probability factor or even pseudo science.

Everybody is born for a certain reason, at a certain date in time to perform a certain task required before we leave this realm to live on into the final frontier of life itself. Death.

We are not insignifigant. We are a chapter of time itself. We are the very fabric of recognition existance has to offer. If humans did not exist, there would be no intelligent lifeform we know of to examine our own species and the extreme narrow margin in which we take for granted as a chance equasion. There very well may be lifeforms out there that invented the DNA that makes us who we are, and I presume that entity would be god himself. No matter how skeptical towards the subject the modern scientific community is.

But I cannot believe in a god fabricated by the modern church reletive to the last 1700 years. This is the 21st century, the sign aquarious is now the currant cycle of the earth. Therefore humanity is now in a stage where we will begin to generate our own perception of life and not go by strict guidelines created by our ancestors when they contradict the logical analysis of data created by science.

As we go into this new era, the churches of the past will die out, and spawn the creation of the churches of the future. And those who cling onto old belief's as though they are still relevant to the culture of today will eventually die out also.

Time goes on... We continue to evolve as a species.

Whether alone or as guinnea pigs in a super intelligent life form's 4.5 billion year old experement.
RIP jono, peace out bboy.
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