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Old 06-27-06, 01:40 AM   #30
its WU muthafucka
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Posts: 1,118

Originally Posted by Crazy Hades
You idiot, I said I don't do that shit. Learn to fucking read, you act like you proved a point just because you aren't literate. Columbine was major, a shit load of people were killed and it was overall horrible...there are white school shootings and black ones, so good job helping rebuild segregation.

EDIT: It's a movie based off real events.

im not literate gee i wonder how im typing this and yes your correct there are white school shooting and black but why are there only white ones shown this shit has been happening in black schools way before whites schools now voilence is teens

they did the same shit with crack it was it was a problem in the ghetto but as soon as it hit the white towns it became a major issue the media is racist thats all i have to say
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