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Old 06-28-06, 12:11 AM   #84
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iRAPEblacKKKids.'s Avatar
Posts: 37

Originally Posted by Shadow.
I have no bizness in this but ^ your an idiot.

"Plagiarism" is copy'n something word for word. In which he didnt I dont know him nor care to know him but he flipped a concept that wasnt his which 80% of the RBL does. Since your from CrapBattles Im sure your familiar with Jay Cee & Abolish both of which recycle heavy as hell. Abolish bite father flow thou Im sure you'd still be willing to lick his nutsack & say he is dope. I KNOW who you are Feeble. You use to be garbage until all the "dope text battlers" migrated over to RhymeLife which shut down & turned into RnR.

So a word of suggestion, get off your high horse that the lame 14 year old writers from RB put you & put your foot in your mouth. MAJORITY of your punchlines are recycled, or in your words "bitten". Only new concepts you have are name flips & personals which consist of about 12% of your verse.

Stop pretending your someone worth mentiong in a top 500 battler list on the internet, act like a turtle & stick your peanut sized head back in your shell. Take the rest of your 16 year old friends & proceed to lick each others ass back across the internet highway.

Ignorant attention whore.

didn't krupp son you, oh wait no, because your not the real shadow.
"when i fight you i won't snipe you, i'll use an hiv infected needle to strike you, as well as anyone who vaguely resembles or looks like you, and just to spite you, i'll force your children and gunpoint to bite you, and rip a piece off" I.Technique
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