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Old 06-28-06, 01:21 PM   #101
Feeble Minded
Light Weight
Posts: 226

Originally Posted by Shadow.
"Plagiarism" is copy'n something word for word.

Plagiarism can be both copying something word for word, using someone else's ideas without proper documentation, or rewording someone else's work with the intention to pass it off as your own. Unbelievable that you would have the audacity to call someone ELSE ignorant when you are the one who doesn't know what the word means.

"Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary defines plagiarism as the act of "steal[ing] or purloin[ing] and pass[ing] off as one's own (ideas, writings, etc., of another)" (644). Therefore, plagiarism occurs whenever a someone attempts—intentionally or unintentionally—to present someone else's ideas, wording, and/or phrasing as his/her own. Plagiarism is a serious academic offense and often carries with it serious consequences."

Wikipedia: (Not as reliable a source, but in agreement with Webster's)
"Plagiarism is the passing off of another person's work as if it were one's own, by claiming credit for something that was actually done by someone else. Deliberate plagiarism is an attempt to claim another person's work as one's own, usually by removing tell-tale evidence or changing words so the plagiarism is made harder to spot."

Get off your friend's dick, in short.