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Old 06-28-06, 10:47 PM   #3
Posts: 6,909
From: Chicago, IL

I'm not against Christianity. I always speak in general when it comes to religion for some reason. Because it helps me relieve frustration. If a million christians constantly remind me of how much they love Jesus for some reason it gets me a little mad. It's like me constantly reminding you how much I love my mom. The other thing is the constant reminder that after I die I'm gonna be tortured and burning for all eternity and all of my loved ones who didnt accept Jesus are too. That kind of makes me mad. You rarely see other religions doing that. I try to think of it as a two way street. If a Christian doesn't like his or her beliefs being attacked than don't attack mine. I have my own set of beliefs, just because I dont have a title for mine doesn't give you the right to name it for me. Also, when I'm going through alot of hard times, and I REALLY need some good advice, you cannot ask anyone shit without getting "pray" or "ask jesus" instead of just giving me something more wordly. Wether or not those are actually the answer or not, it bothers me. Among other things, that kind of keeps me distant with christianity. I'm not knocking the beliefs really, mostly those who follow it.
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