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Old 06-30-06, 01:13 AM   #6
Posts: 6,909
From: Chicago, IL

Omfg ok my nigger instinct is going off. 1st off all, the reason why all the racial shit isnt touchy when its against white people is because white people made it that way. When anything racist is said against black people EVERYBODY thinks 4 times and a half before even thinking about maybe considering whispering it. Because black ppl demand respect when it comes to racial issues because we've been delt major blows so we never take shit. White ppl when called racial names do the "eh its just a word, who cares, bla bla bla" so ppl just sya whatever the fuck they want. So when a black person is racist nobody syas shit because they made it that way. And as for blacks being actually privledged racially. ARE YOU FUCKIN KIDDING ME. Have you looked around lately WTF???asdijaosd nothing, im not gonna continue because I have nightmares about threads like these where everyone is retarded and nobody knows anything. Refer to my 1st post(white ppl are right everything else is wrong)
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