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Old 06-30-06, 02:08 AM   #12
La Cosa Nostra
Bangs like bikini attol
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From: Gaza Strip

Originally Posted by Indeph
Eh, it's not really power. It's just spreading equality to me, theres a huge unfair imbalance with shit. I feel like something like race shouldn't make people feel inferior or superior to eachother. Achievements should be a human goal not a racial goal. If a black man wins the olympics its considered a Black achievement and not a country achievement. Everyone loves taking credit for white inventions but when its something evil or stupid than its just a group of idiots. The reason why White pride day is wrong is because of the already set mindstate of the people itself. If a white pride day happens white ppl will already have the "yeah we're doing this yeah dont think its racist cause u people do it too" mentality. So it's gonna be more of a slap in the face of eveyrbody else. Most of the time the "pride" days are for minorities to bring pride to the people who are seen as nothings and 2nd class citizens. You don't give a health man medicine Nos =/ That's just getting high. Which is pretty much what a white power movement is. GEtting high, Becoming drunk with power and taking tyrany to the limit. Dont even pretend that its anything different..

Personally, if there was a white pride day..........

I wouldnt turn up.

We really dont need one..

Black people have been underdog's for centurys being a minority that used to be slaves and now now are grasped by poverty thats spread throughout your culture. Thats why you have a pride day.. And thats cool, thats your thing... I can respect it.

We (white people) just dont need that...........BUT.......I do think a hell of a lot of white people need more pride in their own culture. We have done some amazing things in our history and continue to be extremily dominant comming through to this new millenium..

I mean fuck.......There shouldnt be any such thing as a wigger... I wish to god I could round them all up and put a bullet through their skull... How can I respect someone who cant respect themselves.

W/e tho.....I gotta bounce........martial arts training.....
RIP jono, peace out bboy.
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