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Old 07-01-06, 11:11 AM   #23
I have a lot to learn...
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Posts: 9,740
From: Life.

Originally Posted by BLAYBOY
lmao @ "true Christians"

yo OMB, sometimes you try too hard to sound intellectual.

Well what am I supposed to call them?

Real christians, actual christians, true christians... Whatever. If something as small as a term bothers you and you don't get the meaning behind what i'm saying then please don't reply to my posts.

From my perspective, in my opinion (meaning you don't have to agree), there are three types of christian.

1. Follows christianity "religiously", has taken in the teachings of the bible, lives by the bible, applies its philosophies to his/her own life, has an open mind, is willing to discuss shaky matters and has formed opinions on them.

2. Follows a modern day, twisted version of christianity that has evolved over the past 2000 years. Truly believes that their way is the right way, often closed minded and dismissive of shaky issues regarding christianity. This kind is VERY common. Many adults and mature teens fall into this category.

3. Christian by word, and not by anything else. Calls themself christian because often they grew up in a christian background, or like the idea of being christian. Have not read or understood much of the bible, and it doesnt bother them at all. Have a sort of partial view of what christianity is, usually revolving around the fact that Jesus died so that we are forgiven. Many young people (10-25 ish) are in this category. Youth groups, people who go on christian camps, etc etc are usually this type of christian.

Number one is what I meant when I said "true christians." I don't know why it was funny... ?
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