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Old 07-03-06, 06:36 PM   #5
Logic The Goonie
I can rap and stuff.
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Posts: 10,226
From: So. Killa Kali

I've only been drunk twice so here's my "best" -_-

I left one party after graduation to go to another party and when my crew got there, there was only like 10 people, so we started drinking of course lol. I had my first shot and shit and drank about 3 Heinekins, 2 Bud Lights and had 2 more shots that I remember but other people said I was drinking the whole night. =/ Anyways, once I got tipsy I realized I wanted to go in the bounce house (don't ask) so I was in there and saw this girl and was like "Whoa, you're so pretty." and her boyfriend got all pissy pants so I apologized, and then told her to call me as soon as he turned around. I was also all over the first girl in the second row of my sig telling her I love her and shit and that I'm going to the same school that she is just so I can see her, lmao. Then people realized I was drunk and made me sit down in the back and I was talking to this one girl and asked her if she would have sex with me, she said she would but she's had the same boyfriend for 5 years, then we talked about how if she leaves him she always has me. Then I got slapped around for being mean to some fat bitch and I didn't stop talking so she got mad. Then I saw my English teacher was somehow invited so I went over and talked to him, swearing that I wasn't drunk, then challenging him to a rap battle. After that was more of the same with the first girl in the car and I crashed and the homies house. The end.

Track of the week:
Keith Murray - Nobody Do It Better
I rocked bells with L, SON!

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