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Old 07-07-06, 02:43 PM   #12
Roger Glocks
Middle Weight
Posts: 412

phryme pleez. 4-0? get ate so quick u won't even type ya raps
sure, ur on a roll...... literally, aftr i digest. hit the john. n wipe my ass

^^this was hottt

oh, & Tavarez?.. the clone? the nobody from Rapmusic?.. forget it holmes
shit, b4 you even hit phryme, it b nice if 1 day you hit ur own........

an then move on to ya boyfriend. an how his parents aint raise him for shit
T... i suggest ya dick puts ya man on timeout for givin it wayyyyy too much lip,
^when im finishd ya mans gonna be pissed. no more buttfuckin that ass at night
cuz from now on
..'Rez erect, means findn his body parts, some glue, n bringn em' back to life

an dont think i feel suburban Phryme more.. its the same hate,
ill knock that white light mc so high nggs'll think their seein fireworks 2 days late


Its funny he say he hate MY style and he spitting that dirt
His idea of wordplay is mispelling half the shit in his verse

Please, picture me giving up the belt to this lame geek
thats like Butler posting first.....and voting the same week

Im plotting to getcha, and leaving squashed when I hit ya
So when I drop a Caron Butler....he wont play for the Washington Wizards

taverez had a nice verse and i didn't like butlers beginning ....and he woulda won but that middle and end butler put up was fiyahhh....sorry those blows were viscous...gooooddd battle here..but butler got this barely

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