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Old 07-09-06, 08:52 PM   #23
I have a lot to learn...
Terumoto's Avatar
Posts: 9,740
From: Life.

Thats the kind of atittude that made me move away from america... Something isnt important just because it happens all the time? Isnt that WORSE?

I'll tell you one thing I respect so much about australia. A few weeks ago an 8 year old girl called Sofia got raped and murdered in the bathroom of some mall in Adelaide, and her body was just left there naked. In america, everyone is just like whatever. Not a big deal. But over here the shit was all over the news, they had a huge funeral for her, and cunts that didnt even know the kid showed up with flowers and payed respects. Its just a sad thing that shouldnt happen.

Now I realise that in america it happens too often to do that kind of thing. But at least give a shit that it happens instead of brushing it off. And it makes it even worse that US soldiers are raping iraqi women AND CHILDREN.

Are you saying you would love it if Iraq invaded america and there was reports of Iraqi soldiers raping american women and children? Rape happens all the time right? You shouldnt feel any hatred towards the iraqis, you shouldnt want them to leave your country. Since apparently, it happens all the time and isnt a big deal. Do you honestly feel that way? Because if someone invaded my country and raped my wife and daughter, I would want them to not only gtfo but also die.
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