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Old 07-10-06, 01:47 AM   #1
Light Weight
Posts: 298
My mind results devastated plans and cultivated lands


My mind results devastated plans and cultivated lands
Like horse and plow work wiser and use fertilizer understand?
I got crop growth in my hot post waiting to get ripe
Like soft peaches, make boss speeches with a set hype
Come strapped in a saddle just to defeat cats in rap battle
So I keep caps rattled like bad hair in a sad affair scrabbled
Attack reputations with facts and devastation defame
Politicians in lame positions to make decisions unclaimed
This rhyme paraphernalia is whack failure to act lost
Me a boss client couldn’t produce the cash for the cost
Of travel couldn’t handle flows had to cancel shows too false
Deprived of my pride and survived to ride in a Lex coupe
As a sex troop with condoms made in London a sex troop
Alert to flaws other cats desert the laws like whack criminals
Crack in general a bad drug and sad thug’s brains become minerals
My gun guards me against assault too many retards walk
On these streets humming emcee’s beats my head scars talk
Never mean have a clever scheme that’s evergreen like trees
In Spring.
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