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Old 07-19-06, 09:35 AM   #24
I Hurt.
Posts: 3,599

This faggot can't beat me, he knows that he'll get toasted
Hell last time he dropped a no-show verse - after my verse was posted
The win is mine, whether I drop my verse now, or drop it later
'Coz you ain't runnin' shit. .
. . even with ya name tryin to impersonate the moderator.
And you can bring ya team, and watch me smash 'em through
So after I bitchslap Ken. . Ryu, Guile and them others can get it too
And ya bitch wants me, this little kid can't push her switches
So stick to playin in the sandbox junior, and I'll play in your bitches!


So stop frontin, tryin to claim ya style & raps aint trash
You aint hit the spot in months King!...
...Is that why ur girl dumped ya ass
So how much bigger a can of whoop ass can you ask for...
Cuz to me whore
You're just plaine garbage, like Trash in a Airport

Looks like Nick took this without really a whole lot of effort. Verse had its ups and dows, but the nameplays on him were pretty good. Ken, just felt your concepts weren't original enough and came off a bit played, including the plane line that I quoted. Anyway, it looks like Nick got this.

Vote - Nick
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