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Old 07-19-06, 09:50 AM   #25
the medicine man
Posts: 7,487
From: East Coast

The win is mine, whether I drop my verse now, or drop it later
'Coz you ain't runnin' shit. .
. . even with ya name tryin to impersonate the moderator.
And you can bring ya team, and watch me smash 'em through
So after I bitchslap Ken. . Ryu, Guile and them others can get it too
My punches'll own this hobo. . so into the streets we roam
To see Ken get tossed to the curb. .
. . 'coz his moms asked me to bring him home!


So how much bigger a can of whoop ass can you ask for...
Cuz to me whore
You're just plaine garbage, like Trash in a Airport
Garanteed ya weak shit wont get me touched
But ya attitude so grape
You're just gonna whine when you get crushed

this battle was ok, both had gay lines that didnt belong there
both had some off bars
nick had 3 quotables ken had 2
v/ nick
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