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Old 07-20-06, 10:16 AM   #30
New to RV
Posts: 21

all organised religion is corrupt and destructive. i'm not sayin' i hate religious people individualy. some of my heros belive strongly in a religion . but in general religion breathes hate, fallacies and division. it also turns people into robots( ie. thinking the same, dressing the same, following the same rules and rituals, living by the same book, etc.) and yet they say it is the truth. IF RELIGION TURNS YOU INTO A FUCKING ROBOT HOW CAN IT BE THE TRUTH IF YOU ARE NOT ACTUALLY BEING WHAT YOU NATURALLY ARE- A HUMAN BEING.

Religion is an escape. like drugs. it gives people hope, faith, something to hold on to. But it is not the Truth. And as they say only the Truth can set you free and if we are not free we will continue to live in misery, despair and confusion. All organised religion is nothing but a hindrance to the Truth. You are forced to believe something when you are younger so when you are older you will believe it so much that you will just be another non-thinking tool in the system. You don't even understand the prayers when you are younger but you are told they mean something ''powerful'' so you say them over and over like a machine. But this is something people have to think for themselves ( unlike religion in whice people are mere followers of something they were forced, brainwashed or tricked into beliveing) and not live by my word or anybody elses.

If there is a God or whatever you want to call it live the beatiful life you were given and stop wasting it doing the same things over and over like a fuckin ROBOT.
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