Thread: The LBL Cypher
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Old 07-20-06, 12:21 PM   #44
Middle Weight
Posts: 454
From: England

more losses than wins, just resign its your only true option
but your a whack bitch…who doesnt need to spit five bars to lose often
just quit man, do it - fuck all of those tarnished plans
& I aint talking about your day job but we all know your garbage, man
thats the truth, but you did go through a kinda raw phase
because Rex was a monster…back in the fucking dinosaur age!!!

& just fuck Nick too, his ego & ever-worsening lines…
Im a high school graduate…hes still on his motherfucking nursery rhymes!
as for JTR, I wont even comment on his shit, why attack it when…
he summed his verse up the best…when he but blah blah blah at the end!!!
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