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Old 07-22-06, 02:29 PM   #18
Crazy Hades
Just searching.
Posts: 6,015

Yeah, Terumoto basically explained it, as I already have. I'm saying everyone sins, and homosexual acts can be forgiven, and as Q is a christian, he most likely repents about it; hell, he even mentioned being celibate, so I doubt he has. How many christians actually perform a whole day of sabbath?

I'm saying you can content yourself by saying 'haha, Q sinned', right after you sinned by living a material life, most likely saying God's name in vain at least once today, having lied, cursed, maybe insulted your parents in the past few weeks, and having premarital sex. You're a virgin, congratulations. That's one sin you haven't performed. Ever thought lustfully of a girl?

Yeah, Q sure is a big hypocrite.
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