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Old 07-22-06, 11:24 PM   #1
Posts: 147

No one knows SPuL, except you. Tell her to take the picture with no fucking contrast, and see how perfect it comes out. There was NO fucking problem with her finger being there in the first place, now knowing SOMEONE photoshopped first, and I have a feeling a girl wouldn't photoshop that fucking thing. I already fucking said you ignorant little deaf child, the pictures in the links were real! You want me to read all the fucking posts but you edited everything in and shit cuz Automatic knows you're a liar. How can you tell me the flash in the pictures werent bright?
What happened to the contrast there SPuL? Huh?
How about there, any takers?
Going once, going twice...
Shut the fuck up bitch the flash was bright as fuck.
Mankind is just a fable.
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