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Old 07-26-06, 10:25 PM   #22
Go0niez FuKCaz
Banned: Cheating
Posts: 22

Voted For: 631fl0w

It takes him seven days to write a verse cuz his spits-are-weak (week).....
And only five of those days during the month is when he hits-a-streak (his period).....


Dude only lives up to half his name..he BI
His rhymes are worse than a crackhead comin off his high
^Nice personal..

Oh yea he's real hard..the home of the gay cowboys and lonestars
Only time he comes up with major figures is when he dials his phonecalls
^Nice personal n punch all in one
Joined in Feb. and dont have a record..why should i fear ya?
Bishop couldnt see me in RV even if he was standin next to me in a mirror


overall better flow and punches then czar bishop but work on it a lil more..

Fuckin with my 'psalmns' should be a 'sin'*
Fuckin with me like he thought I had a wack twin

I pull punchlines, your lines are 'pickups' without the 'sticks'
I'm amazed he can say 631, he can't even count to six!**
OK i guess but kiddy shit

Prolly cuz he can't think of anymore lines to drop
When I hustle on my corner is the only time I get 'Writer's Block'***
You 'call the cops', and I call it 'takeout'
Cuz, when the pigs come, I eat ya and call it a 'steakout'
wow...need i say more?
Okay, stats raised. Well this merkin was fun
I see your still finishin ya 'circle', not even on 'square-one'.
OK closer

Im gunna have to agree with the others on this one CZAR u have a kiddy flow and ur punches are weak

Both of yoo need work but yu need alot more czar