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Old 07-28-06, 01:03 PM   #14
New to RV
GRaFFiK NaTuRE's Avatar
Posts: 94
From: FL

I broke it at work. I operate this ride called the slingshot. It's a two seated ride and shoots u up in the air. for more info about it. We only had one person riding and to balance out the weight one of us would usually ride with the guy. No one else wanted to ride so i volunteered. Not sure what happened, but when they brought us down, they bought us down too fast and we slammed into the ground. We were coming down head first, but since i ride that ride so much i know how to manipulate it and turn the seats. So i kicked my legs out to rotate the seats trying to make us land butt first, that way we wouldn't take any damage, but we were going wayy to fast. The guy i rode with broke both his ankles and both his knees and i shattered my left leg. We were going about 75 mph, the seats weigh 500 lbs, i weigh 210 and he weighs about 290.

needless to say i'm never riding these thrill rides again.

Rapdemon: i can be your groupie of the week!
xGRaFFiK NaTuREx: lol

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