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Old 07-28-06, 03:51 PM   #5
Logic The Goonie
I can rap and stuff.
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Posts: 10,226
From: So. Killa Kali

Before I get started I want to say that this song was DOPE. However, I just kinda want to point out a few things I didn't like/thought could be better, only because everyone else is just gunna come in here and ride your dick saying everything was perfect.

The first thing I noticed was that the vocals kinda didn't sound mixed much, it might have been my speakers to be honest, and your vocals were a bit too high for the beat, it might be good for the effect but as a song it sounds......different. Then I dunno how many times you recorded the first verse but the delivery and emotion on that verse wasn't quite up to par with the second verse and the second verse wasn't quite up to par with the third verse (which you fucking KILLED by the way). About the singing, it was good, not great, but good, which for your family makes no difference at all because they'll love it whether it was good or not, for me though, it was kinda awkward because the song would sound even better if the singing was great. IMO your flow slipped a little when you said "when I was" in "Didn’t listen to dad when I was small". I also think you should have added dubs, not loud ones but just enough so you can feel it.

I hate critisizing it because this track was dooooope but that's what I think could have made it better. As far as I know, you understand that so you know I'm just being honest. On a scale of 1-10 this is like..........8.9/10. 10 being like, classic hip hop from pros and shit, so yes that's a compliment. We need to collab whenever I have better equipment and you have time, k? k.

Track of the week:
Keith Murray - Nobody Do It Better
I rocked bells with L, SON!

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