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Old 07-30-06, 03:05 PM   #6
Posts: 6,909
From: Chicago, IL

Originally Posted by KOOL COL-B
lol, i feel u spicca. fuck, 1 time i wuz walkin, n tha buttons on my track pants r broke off, so its just tha snaps that go up tha sides, so i wuz walkin n tha top snap decides 2 come undone n my pants start fallin down, n i wuz holdin my binder in 1 hand n my discman in tha utha, so when i tried 2 pull my pants up i dropped my shit n my discman hit tha ground n tha part that keeps it closed smashed off, so now i got an elastic around it 2 keep it shut, n only 1 headphone werks, but sumtimes if u hold tha wire a certian way tha utha 1 will kinda werk. n then i climbed ova a fence, caught my pants on tha fence, fell ova it n ripped a big ass hole in my pants right by my crotch, so then i only had 1 pair of pants wich have sum god dam white out on them that wont come off, grrrr, fuck everythang, werd

OMFG my mp3 shit kept doing that all day. It did that everytime i crossed the street. And I got these psp headphones so one of them is shorter than the other and I have to wrap it around my neck and it strangles me, then drops. I pick it up, pants fall, pull up pants, car comes by me and honks, I pick up the mp3, run across the street and pants fall a little again, pull them up and put the headphones back in the mp3, then play it again and continue walking.
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