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Old 07-31-06, 02:15 PM   #13
atti?'s Avatar
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Originally Posted by Kriptic
nah ur retarded...any kid would no that you CANT get drunk by drinking water..and thinking it wa sa spelling mistake..... and if u can get drunk by drinking water..please tell me how u do it...b/c it would save me a lot of money...

Lol wow, you must have one of the lowest comprehensions I've come across in a long while. It was proven in a test that Blay stated above: When they gave non-alcohalic beer to a group of test subjects and told them it was regular beer, the majority acted drunk. The mind is an extremely powerful thing, capable of bringing about physical pain, or in this case... Bliss. Now, you can feel free to leave this forum with your non-existant typing abilities and even farther from being, ability to formulate an intelligent thought.
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