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Old 08-02-06, 08:16 PM   #34
The Rise
Posts: 2,879

(diredcted to Nick)^how would you know if my audio sucks? and im only on 2sites unlike you spending your life on the net searching for sites to type pathetic little disses to each other. so you tell me who's more PATHETIC, cuz im not the older one here so its clearly normal for me to get on the ent and text rap once and a awhile but you're like 20 or almost 20 and think TEXT is the world and nobody likes this this person with a account name called Ken`Pho??? but unlike you i have a life...and right now you're prolly saying how do you know if i have a life or not? well just by the looks of ityou make this net shit your life just check out your god damn name for instance...and you love making up stuff about someone you probably will never see in may i suggest you need a life or do i need to adjust my FAG rador a little better...and yes this is just for fun like yous aid so why cant i text rap on the internet if its just for fun why do i need to leave? b/c Nick Fletcher says so, NO!!!...but hey ii wouldnt know about this net more than you, i mean just check out you're battle record clearly stating you spend a little bit to much doing something thats not gonna get you know i think i made my point being you're a Faggot from out of states, loves text rapping, disses on kids who have lifes and that are not good at text rapping according to Nick Fletcher, and runs site to site claiming he's text.

so ima be the bigger man here, even though you're older than me and go enjoy life instead waisting my time going back and piece Nickoles and hope you had fun talking trash to someone that has something that you're screaming out to have...'A Life'
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