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Old 08-03-06, 01:18 AM   #44
King Solo
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Originally Posted by Brock Sampson
Fuck you and this text shit nigga! Fuckin cry baby! I suck and you lost! so what does that make you?? Shoulda dropped like u knew what you were doin..instead of half assin ya verse then cryin about it later?? Then say I suck to make you feel better?? now I know why I quit text. Take a fuckin loss or just drop dope in the chyper and get it erased like I said. Cuz I knew u were gonna cry once I seen that BITCH verse!...want some cheese with that whine? Where in the FUCK is the VIOLINS!!! You ain't no Rap King foo! U text Ego maniac, sore loser, son of a bitch! Text is ur LIFE! Acting like I searched ur shit to find a fuckin DISS??? I ain't no poop-butt mufucka! you do not know me. There....that's all for me.

sorry for the freepost but I hate babies like him. Lossing HURTS! Fuckin try not to do it...or fuckin stay out of COMPETING!

Wow dude, and they say I take this shit too seriously. I mean, come on... don't you think that response is a little too... whats the word, RE-FUCKING-TARDED.

I can fucking half ass all I want, why should I fucking try against a guy that is trash like you. What I am pissed at is how people are rating your Zelda line which is FUCKING RECYCLED and giving props to your nameplay which is FUCKING PLAYED!!

I don't give a shit how dope you are, in my opinion if you have to recycle then you deserve to lose against the biggest piece of ass ever. Recycling is just as fucking bad as biting. I may have dropped ass, with like maybe one cool bar... but at least nothing was RECYCLED. And fuck man, giving props for played to fuck shit now.... well, why didn't I just drop a verse packed with Michael Jackson lines, and Sick lines, and Hot lines... fuck, I would've been raking in the votes then, huh.

Get the fuck outta here with your trash. And rush, I ain't seen shit from you. I ain't seen no album or nothing if you wanna get on that audio talk. So shut the fuck up. Until I see your album in the stores, YOU AINT SHIT!
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