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Old 08-03-06, 11:31 PM   #52
Crazy Hades
Just searching.
Posts: 6,015

You people really disgust me. I'm not even going to pussyfoot around this, since you are already desensivitized into not giving a shit about other human one person can make a difference, unless you're Ghandi, but Ghandi said 'You must be the change you wish to see in the world.' The typical mindstate of 'one person cannot do anything' adds up person to person, and when a person goes 'ah, someone else will do it', that someone else will say 'someone else will do it'. Someone has to do something, because everyone thinks no individual can do anything.

Learn some fucking morals. Now, let's say...there are only fifty million people in America who don't care about others...though that's probably very small compared to the actual sum. Fifty million people, chip in one dollar a month to assist genocide victims in Africa, and to keep the streets clean...

Pretty much...fuck you.
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