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Old 08-04-06, 12:57 PM   #67
Middle Weight
Posts: 454
From: England

I agree 100% with the letter

and obviously, what N. Taverez n Indeph are saying too

What people don't understand is that America and Israel have their own agenda...they are not, and will not be concerned about the large casualties. Think about it, if something like this occured in the West it would not be justified. However, since it is somewhere else in the World, the mainstream media and governments with power can put a little twist to it so that public opinion judges what happens in a whole different light...

We all know about the IRA who used to bomb Britain. Did Britian respond by destroying the infrastructure of CIVILIANS in the country (such as the main bridges, roads, the only airport), killing countless innocent men, women and children? And if they did, would it be deemed self-defense? HELL NO, so why call what Israel is doing self-defence? It is not, Israel is comitting war crimes overtly (a change from what they covertly do in Palestine), people should be outraged by this and do something! If democracy is really what the West is about then practice it, and support independant media:

Fuck FOX NEWS bitches!!!!
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