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Old 08-04-06, 06:28 PM   #74
Middle Weight
Posts: 454
From: England

Originally Posted by N.Tavarez
thats what the fuck im talking about
America Media is pushing nothing but propaganda
i dont watch FOX, CNN non of that shit

Mainstream media in the U.S is not independant by any means, it is largely controlled by the government, and does use the long old human weapon of propoganda. It can only work within certain boundaries, and there are many things it completely ignores and never mentions. It is there to serve in the interest of the American government, and is a vital tool used to influence the way people perceive what us happening in the world...I recommend any thing by Noam Chomsky on these subjects, that guy is DOPE!!!!

For more on this subject check out:

that wesbite itself has tons of info and is useful....

Also, I realise that link I posted doesn't work...just edited it - So for the real truthseekers out there after unbiased, critical, independant information...check out:

I will post further links if people require, but they are the important ones and should help people see behind the veil of deceit portrayed by our governments (mine in the U.K and yours in the U.S)....

And Tavarez, its good to know theres people with an understanding like mine on here...word!
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