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Old 08-04-06, 06:43 PM   #1
Beginning Your Ending
Posts: 1,236
Why do guys let hoes run their lives?


I mean seriously, at what point do guys realise their girlfriend/long distance friend is actually running their lives? Ok they might not be the paramount thing literally controlling their lives but they do play a big big part. Do any of you think of your girl like the last thing before you go to sleep, and one of the first things when you wake up. And when you're doing something are you like "what would <insert name> think if I did this? If you ever get to that, and everytime you see them your heart skips a beat and your tongue just lolls in your mouth, you know you're in love.

As a girlfriend, if you can keep her and you you REALLY like her and trust her then it's so dope. But if you have someone who lives a long time away and you never get to see them then do NOT fall in love with them. Serious, it will tear you apart internally, externally etc. How do I know this? Because, amazingly enough, I do have a girl who lives 2 hours away and is literally a Goddess and who I only get to see like a few times a year (but I do talk to her hours everyday on msn/phone) and whom I love very much. It's worse you know, when you know they really like you back and if you lived by them you could have something REALLY special. So next time you meet a girl in a farway place, do NOT fall for her,

Here is the most important rule that every guy in the world should follow. BRO'S BEFORE HOES! Serious, a bro will take a bullet for you, a hoe will shoot you with one then come back and rip your heart out, with a big fucking smile. I've never personally had that happen, but I know people who have. Seriously stick by your bro and don't let a hoe run your life. And NEVER bring love into a long diatance relationship.
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