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Old 08-04-06, 09:30 PM   #3
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Australia's first medicinal marijuana trial

May 21 2003

The use of cannabis for medical purposes is to be allowed for the first time in Australia under a scheme announced yesterday in NSW.

Announcing the four-year trial scheme, NSW Premier Bob Carr said governments had an obligation to explore all avenues available to relieve human pain and suffering.

The announcement follows pressure from medical groups and overseas studies that have found the active compound in cannabis can help alleviate chronic pain and nausea and improve appetite.

Mr Carr said the trial aimed at easing the suffering of people who came to the attention of a working party on cannabis he established in 2000. "This is a compassionate scheme," Mr Carr said.

By legalising marijuana for medicinal use, NSW will join nine US states, as well as Canada and the Netherlands.
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