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Old 08-05-06, 08:18 PM   #29
I have a lot to learn...
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From: Life.

Originally Posted by M Eazy
lmao...for tha first time i really laughed at something out loud on rv...

^kids comedy...

But, really I don't think blacks look alike. There are all different types of blacks. Dirty blacks, clean blacks, light blacks, middle-light blacks, carmel looking blacks, dark carmel looking blacks, dark blacks, black blacks, etc...

Tha list goes on. But, only comparison that all blacks have is their wide nose having, breathing all the white mans air, thinking their the best dancers.

Whites have pointy noise, are known to be rhythmless and flavorless.

Mexican make up their own dances and dont want anything to do with any race.

And asians/chinks just break dance and are short...

"...And did I mention they stink..."

But you cant say that, and then say other races look alike. Its the same... Theres different kinds of white people.. Light skin, darker skin, different hair, etc etc. Theres different kinds of chinese, different kinds of japanese, different kinds of mexicans. People just DONT look alike man. Not only blacks, but every race.

I dunno though... You are racist, so im not gonna argue with you. Racists usually have their mind made up and arent gonna change it.
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