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Old 08-06-06, 11:10 AM   #32
R. Lingo
Light Weight
Posts: 377

This battle must be starwars themed, when this mad-homo gets tossed
It's cuz SPuL will Leia princess out, and Jack will hand-solo the loss

I'm knockin' Nick's face in so far, that I bet he'll be dyin', dude
My fist to his skull will create such a huge Smash...
... that pepsi might try and sue

^ kinda decent cliche flip...

Your style is soo outdated, Nick... and I don't mean to bitch
your lines are stretched so far out, it'd make a hippie start to trip!

Switched the alias, but it suits you whenever you're on net
Cuz you make a dash in your name, and make a dash away from any contest
You fags do some nasty shit, don't expect this merking to be utter soft
I just hope y'all ATLEAST wear blindfolds & imagine you're girls
…when ya jerk eachother off!

Met-a-4? Who the fuck is this? You must be an unknown in this game cuz
I tried to figure out the story of Untold<---and came to a conclusion, that's just what it was

^ cool concept. bad wording.

Tryin' to rise up the ranks against me? I'm sorry, you ain't goin' far b
Cuz the way I'm droppin' bombs on UN...
... I could cause a World War 3!

^ another cool concept.. but to make it bang, i think you should've twisted it a little.

I'll consider your face as my punching bag. I'm vicious. Fuck being humble
I'll send such a huge blow to your temple<--- even the ones in India will start to crumble!

aiight so like.. JTR and Spul had the concepts, but i feel that Nick and Untold more so worded better. i mean, don't get me wrong, it seemed like Untold was straining for concepts.. and didn't work while Nick had concepts and better wording. in order it would be Nick, JTR, Spul, the Untold.. i would say Nick and Untold, but i gotta go Spul and JTR because they worked better as a team i think.. i mean nick did his thing. untold didn't.

i cant keep goin on in detail.

v/ jtr and spul
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