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Old 08-07-06, 03:26 PM   #10
Middle Weight
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Posts: 829
From: the 508

Originally Posted by N.Tavarez
man just educate yourself on whats going on in the world
talk to friends and family get their opinions
if you wont do more, at least do that
so other countries can stop looknig at us like the dumb naive people
of a dictatorship

Did you know that cars owned by Palestinians are colour coded to distinguish Jews from non-Jews?

Did you know that Israel allots 85% of the water resources for Jews and the remaining 15% is divided among all Palestinians in the territories? For example in Hebron, 85% of the water is given to about 400 Jewish settlers, while 15% must be divided among Hebron's 120,000 Palestinians?

Did you know that Sharon's commando unit in 1953 razed the Palestinian village of Qibya killing all its citizens and bombed all the houses, mosques and schools?

Did you know that since between 1967 and early 2002 Israel demolished or sealed over 8500 homes, of which 2500 were in East Jerusalem alone? Houses are demolished as punitive measure or under the pretext of 'lack of building permit' - permits are rarely granted.

Did you know that since 1967, (and of course not counting the atrocities committed since March 2002) over 600,000 Palestinians have been jailed in Israeli jails and over 200 have died while in Israeli jails? During the first year of the second intifada alone, Israel arrested over 1900 Palestinians, of which 600 were children under 16.

Did you know that Israel uses torture routinely in jails (only against non-Jews of course) despite the Israeli High Court outlawing it?

when that shit^^^ is relevent to my life... ill let you no..untill then idc...and the news shit in the link...about all the killing..that dont effect me either and it never will...i feel bad...but still..that sucks for them....



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