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Old 08-09-06, 07:47 PM   #1
Tha .Q
I'm Talented.Period.
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Posts: 4,891
From: MD
World Trade Center was...


Well made...

However, I'm not particularly a fan of Oliver Stone's style of film making--i.e., over-the-top. And, though this movie wasn't necessarily riddled with conspiracy theories, it was sappy and lacked depth in terms of sub-plot. So, in a sense, O.S. went in the opposite direction and created an emotional rather than a logical storyline.

At one point in the movie, I grew wearisome of the soap-opera like scene shifts. And, anyone looking for scenes of mass destruction will likely want to wait for James Cameron's version depicting the horrific events of 9/11. I'm in no way suggesting Stone should have exploited the tragedy. But, the story lacks a true build up and attempts to tap emotions already mired by the sentimentality of the plot.

Whereas United 93 excited the frontal lobe, World Trade Center stimulates the thalamus. Simply put, prepare yourself for an emotional/syrupy affair.

2 stars

Worth a look? Yes...but only if you don't mind melodrama.

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