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Old 08-10-06, 01:47 PM   #8
Middle Weight
Posts: 496

Originally Posted by SUPERVILLAIN

"...but they're right, E-40 doesn't get respect like that out here." -euth.

^^^no offense, but your the very first cat that i have ever heard of that openly reps the yay, yet has no respect at all for mista 40 watter. euth, you can have your own personal opinion on him, but, it would be extremely misleading to say that e-40 gets no love out here. like it or not bruh, the 40 haters are a minority in the hyphy scene...especially in this area, no joke. 40 has had major clout in the bay for days (at least since the '92-'93 era).

"...Lil Jon has nothing to do with Hyphy." -euth.

^^^no...he doesnt whatsoever. lol. truthfully, im not a real big fan of lil jon, but dude only produced the first hyphy single to catch national exposure, thus showcasing the northern california pop-phenom to the masses. he might not have any "real" ties to, or roots in the hyphy culture other than the fact that he helped open a door for the movement that was previously closed off, deadbolted, painted over and cemented shut.

"... E-40 took something that Mac Dre and Thizz ENT started and ran with it." -euth.

^^^incorrect my friend. keak da sneak is responsible for creating the word "hyphy" and using it since the mid 90's. its no secret, everyone knows that. mac dre and his people helped to start the "thizz movement". the thizz 'style' was the exact equivelant of what the hyphy culture was all about. "the nation of thizzlam" is responsible for hyphy's foundation, but it wasnt taken from them by anyone. mac dre was. when he was murdered, his loyal following was forced to continue rollin' on...and it just so happened that earl stevens was the first to capitalize on being the initial spearhead of attention for hyphy outside of the yay just by doing his music thing. that same yay area following of urbanites that felt dre felt 40's they lined up and marched with him in support. that shows trust. you dont just get that kind of support easily. pretty much everyone else in the yay right now that is actively doing the hyphy music thing is doing it independantly. they're getting their local hustle on...they werent/arent really pushin' for national exposure like alot of other regions are. they feel that there is more money to be made doing it themselves. right now, e-40 just so happens to be fuckin' with lil jon out in atlanta...and collectively, they put together something that turned out to be big. yes it was a profitable venture for both, but it was also hyphy's coming of age and overall growth to adulthood.

is it 40's fault that he made a hit record??? did he force you to buy the single and the ringtone??? i dont think he begged you to call your local radio stations, t.r.l. and 106th and park to request it 37 times a day. is it not 40's place to speak on his soil and whats going on around him and his people huh??? so what if he profited??? every rapper who wants to be successful in the hip hop business machine tries to. right???

"...his style isn't hyphy." -euth.

^^^no, generally his style isnt just "hyphy". but the "tell me when to go" song is. you dont have to just do hyphy songs to be able to make a hot hyphy track. c' mon mayne.

"... And no he's not the Embassador of tha Bay. Mac Dre is all that and above." -euth.

^^^40 watter has been calling himself "the ambassador of the bay" since the 90's. your probably the first cat to speak against it, lol. i've never heard of any yay emcess challenging him on or for that it must be a unanimous concensus. and also, mac dre was ridiculously popular in this region, but he wasnt the ambassador of the bay. he knew that too.

^^^i hope this clears up some of the misconceptions that were presented.

mac in peace brutha. get stupid.

...the supervillain of crhyme...

and where exactly are you from?

Let's get this correct, i'm apart of the Hyphy Movement. I was at the "tell me when to go" video shoot, "blow the wistle" video shoot, and the "18 dummy" video shoot. I know what the fuck I am talking about.

E-40 does NOT get respect like you are portraying. In fact, there's been other Bay Area rappers that has outspoken about 40's respect, from Thizz ENT. In the streets he's does not get respect from the real hyphy niggas. You're basing shit you seen off MTV my block the bay, that was just a small piece of Hyphy. As a rapper 40 might get all the respect in the world, but as a Hyphy artist NO. You need to understand what REAL Hyphy is. That's what half the world doesn't.

Blah, the South is lovin' the Bay right now. Lil John, Young Joc, Ying Yang Twins, Lil Scrappy etc. None of them are hyphy, they want to be. They're just to busy trying to compare Hyphy to Crunk. Although there is a lot of similaritys.

I know Keak made the word Hyphy, but he didn't popularize it. That's like saying whoever made the Chicago Bulls made them, but didn't Jordan popularized them. Same thing with Hyphy, Keak made the word, but Mac Dre popularized it. He was the true definition of Hyphy. I said Mac Dre AND Thizz ENT. Keak is apart of Thizz ENT. E-40 isn't a Hyphy Artist, that's not his style and never was. While Mac Dre was getting stupid, E-40 was sitting back watching all that. When Mac Dre died that's when 40 thought it was his job to take that over. There's no question if Mac Dre was still alive, he would be in 40's place right now. And if he wasn't it would've been 40's job to give him that place. Cuz like it or not Mac Dre is the king of tha bay. And he was the only person by himself to get the bay to catch on to going dumb, and getting stupid in the club.

get your facts straight next time you try to make me look stupid.

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