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Old 08-10-06, 03:35 PM   #9
M Eazy
Put Yo Money On Me
Posts: 1,653
From: Sacramento, CA

Originally Posted by Ca'lam
no. tony lost. real talk. out of the two tracks luciano had the best track.

all respected audio heads voted on that shit. soooo it was a pretty fair battle.

RV TEXT is what sucks. audio battles, that respected audio heads vote on, are pretty much fair.

I disagree. I feel Tony won, not just cause that's my nigga...he had a better track. But, I don't care bout that shit, it's over...I'm just saying, your so called "respected audio heads" vote for "respected audio heads"

I was supposedly a "so called text head" and I got a few D/R votes in my time. I know they were, but what more can I say? I admitted when I lost some battles. But, whatever...Alls I'm saying is, people vote for the big names. No way around it. I myself go for the underdogs.
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