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Old 08-10-06, 04:21 PM   #1
Middle Weight
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Posts: 829
From: the 508
me and nick :-) ilove talkign to him


hahah nick..i love talking to you..ur so much fun :-) you an ur textin skills... i love our conversations man

i cut out the boring part :-)


nickfletcher86: text battling is completely different
LucasCook15: admit it nick....
nickfletcher86: you have to use a different style
LucasCook15: nick...admit it... you cant rap can you :-\
LucasCook15: its ok nick
nickfletcher86: so dont act like text battling is how i would rap in real life
nickfletcher86: you dumb fuck
nickfletcher86: you know nothing
LucasCook15: i no wut ur goign threw..when i was in the 7th grade..i was on every rap site around...
LucasCook15: tryign to learn to text battling..
nickfletcher86: dude
LucasCook15: then... i got someballs..and elevated to RAP... i mean you will soon too
nickfletcher86: you are STILL text battling
LucasCook15: i no you can do it nick
nickfletcher86: do you not realise this
LucasCook15: no im not...thosebattle are still up nick....
nickfletcher86: i mean seriously
nickfletcher86: you are a fucking moron
LucasCook15: from right abfter our battle.b/c i was was bored..
LucasCook15: nick..its ok..i no u cant rap
LucasCook15: itsok
nickfletcher86: dude, you fucking suck
nickfletcher86: you are trying some childish attempt at getting to me, with some pre school bullshit
nickfletcher86: grow up
LucasCook15: i mean.... i dont see any one in this rap industry....going on stage...and showing a judge his text verse...
nickfletcher86: and i dont see you in the rap industry
LucasCook15: you'll elevate nick... get over ur kid text battle... and we'll talk
nickfletcher86: so i guess you cant rap either
LucasCook15: oh i can rap nick
nickfletcher86: a shame really
LucasCook15: thats why i do audio...
nickfletcher86: a little guy on the net
LucasCook15: its ok..i no u cant...dont be ashamed.....
nickfletcher86: acting tough and talking shit
nickfletcher86: telling ppl they cant rap
nickfletcher86: just to cover up the fact that he cant rap himself
LucasCook15: lol nick..thats exactly what ur doing... hahah im not talkign saying i fell ya pain..i was thereonce
LucasCook15: in 7th grade...
nickfletcher86: and apparently you still are there
nickfletcher86: and will be for the rest of your life no doubt
nickfletcher86: i feel sorry for you man
nickfletcher86: thats weak
nickfletcher86: but you keep talking shit at people to cover your insecurities
nickfletcher86: its not working
LucasCook15: hey nick...
LucasCook15: its ok
nickfletcher86: but you keep plugging away their skipper
LucasCook15: ino...its ok
LucasCook15: once u can rap..come back..well talk
nickfletcher86: fine
nickfletcher86: and once u can rap
LucasCook15: good luck with ur dickriding text battling...
nickfletcher86: u do the same
LucasCook15: one'll...actully do soemthing,....
LucasCook15: and rap ..
LucasCook15: its ok man.
nickfletcher86: do you realise you have repeated yourself like 10 times in this convo.
nickfletcher86: do you have nothing else to say
LucasCook15: nick...
LucasCook15: its ok..
LucasCook15: ino...
nickfletcher86: is that all the insults you can bring
LucasCook15: you cant rap... once day...
LucasCook15: lol
LucasCook15: youll be able too
nickfletcher86: dude, you come straight out of pre school man
nickfletcher86: this is some funny shit
LucasCook15: one day....nick..listen..i beilve in you....
nickfletcher86: you beilve in me
nickfletcher86: wow
nickfletcher86: learn to speel
nickfletcher86: spell*
LucasCook15: learn to what???
LucasCook15: hahahaha
LucasCook15: nice man
nickfletcher86: yeah
LucasCook15: you got me on that one
LucasCook15: dam
nickfletcher86: but unlike you
LucasCook15: you got me.
nickfletcher86: i actually corrected myself
LucasCook15: but unlike you...i can rap.
LucasCook15: hahahahaha
nickfletcher86: dude
nickfletcher86: seriously
nickfletcher86: you cant
nickfletcher86: deal with it
nickfletcher86: stop fronting
LucasCook15: get a life sorry excuse for an mcee..i mean TEXTCEE
LucasCook15: hahaha
LucasCook15: oh man
nickfletcher86: wow
nickfletcher86: that insult was dope
LucasCook15: nick...
nickfletcher86: in like 2001
LucasCook15: ino..its ok...
nickfletcher86: come with some new material
LucasCook15: you cant rap...dont be upset...
LucasCook15: NICK! pleasee... stop. i no it hurts..but you'll be able to rap soon....
LucasCook15: it took me a good year and half to to make shit sound good..i mean.... ur like.... 18 yearrs late..but hey..i no u can do it
LucasCook15: nick how old r u?
nickfletcher86: is that your business
LucasCook15: haha
nickfletcher86: how old are you
LucasCook15: old r u?
nickfletcher86: because you sound like you are fucking 6
LucasCook15: im almost 18 old r u
nickfletcher86: lmao
nickfletcher86: 18
nickfletcher86: wow
nickfletcher86: and this is how you act
LucasCook15: nick....
nickfletcher86: my god
LucasCook15: how old...
nickfletcher86: *dies*
LucasCook15: nick...answer.
nickfletcher86: man, that is pathetic
LucasCook15: ino ur upset..that u cant rap
nickfletcher86: with this pre school horse shit
nickfletcher86: and you are 18
nickfletcher86: OMFG!!!
nickfletcher86: LMFAO!!
LucasCook15: nick...... how old...
nickfletcher86: you have made my day
nickfletcher86: seriously
LucasCook15: nick..... how old are you?
nickfletcher86: shit was pretty boring
nickfletcher86: but now I've heard this
nickfletcher86: ROFL!!
LucasCook15: i mean..i learned to rap whe i was in 7th grade....
nickfletcher86: I can enjoy the rest of my day
nickfletcher86: happy in the knowledge that an 18 year old talks like a fucking toddler
LucasCook15: nick..ocne ur done with this tuff guy shit ont he net.and egt a life...and stop with ur kidde text battling.... we an talk
LucasCook15: nick...its ok
nickfletcher86: and still thinks he is ill
nickfletcher86: back to this are we
nickfletcher86: oh nick
nickfletcher86: u cant rap
nickfletcher86: its ok
nickfletcher86: dude
LucasCook15: nick.
LucasCook15: ino u cant dont needa tell me
nickfletcher86: it is becoming gay now
LucasCook15: i just told you.
LucasCook15: come on
LucasCook15: nick how old r u?
nickfletcher86: i am being serious
LucasCook15: i mean..i jus wanna no
LucasCook15: why cant u tell me?
nickfletcher86: stop with the same shit
nickfletcher86: use something new
LucasCook15: old are you?
nickfletcher86: you talk about me saying the same shit
nickfletcher86: how many different things have you said in this convo
nickfletcher86: like 3
nickfletcher86: maximum
LucasCook15: nick..your avoiding my question....
nickfletcher86: grow the fuck up
nickfletcher86: and your avoiding your gayness
LucasCook15: nick im gunna ask again..until i get an answer
nickfletcher86: and your avoiding the fact that you really cant rap
nickfletcher86: when you admit you can not rap
nickfletcher86: then we can talk about my age
LucasCook15: its b.c ur asmammed..that ur old..and still talkint uff onta ra site..and cant u reduce ur self to text battling...
LucasCook15: its ok
LucasCook15: nick..its ok
nickfletcher86: dude
nickfletcher86: you are fucking 18
nickfletcher86: and still talking shit on the net
LucasCook15: old r u
LucasCook15: .
nickfletcher86: like a fucking 6 year old
LucasCook15: im not talkign shit nick
nickfletcher86: and you cant speel
LucasCook15: im trying to ask a qesuton
nickfletcher86: *spell
LucasCook15: ur being childish nick..
LucasCook15: nick u suck at'speeling'
nickfletcher86: its like what
nickfletcher86: 18 years old
nickfletcher86: so you've done the school thing
LucasCook15: nick..
LucasCook15: how old r u?
nickfletcher86: did they not teach basic spelling and grammar
LucasCook15: nick..its ok..i no ur upset
LucasCook15: just answer the question
nickfletcher86: or were you just that retarded that you never understood
LucasCook15: how old nick......
LucasCook15: nick old are you?
nickfletcher86: admit you can't rap
LucasCook15: i can rap. you cant rap... but hey..u can text up some shit huh?
LucasCook15: lol
LucasCook15: and i mean SHIT when i say it
LucasCook15: haha
nickfletcher86: dude
LucasCook15: old...
nickfletcher86: you cant rap
LucasCook15: nick....
nickfletcher86: you cant text
nickfletcher86: you cant spell
nickfletcher86: man
nickfletcher86: what can you do
LucasCook15: nick
LucasCook15: how old.
nickfletcher86: besides act like a gay child
LucasCook15: old r u nick...i wanna no
nickfletcher86: like i said
nickfletcher86: come see me when you realise the truth
nickfletcher86: and admit you cant rap
LucasCook15: see nick..ima sking..b/c when i was like.. 11..i was on every rap site nick... texting away..trying to get batter..and then i looked at my self...and thought" no one is famous in the rap insustry..for text batteling?? what am i thinking.."
LucasCook15: and only then..i was able to grab a mic..and express my self...
LucasCook15: and i no u cant do it yet nick...but u will be able to
LucasCook15: nick.... come on nick...i no ur upset
LucasCook15: thats no reason to act childish nick...and run away from ur problems
LucasCook15: u needa grow up lil man. come on niiiiiick where;d ya go?

its fun fuckign with nick --_-- he gets upset :-)



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