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Old 08-10-06, 05:43 PM   #11
M Eazy
Put Yo Money On Me
Posts: 1,653
From: Sacramento, CA

Originally Posted by J Summers
oooooh do me...........................schwweet

This is gunna be eassy. You have a picture...

Judging from your picture, you seem like you love pussy! And you get a lot of it (no homo), you just look like that type of person who, when you go to parties, is just looking for a nice chick to bone. Not even to have a good time. You look like you're always in the circle of attention. You're comfortable with rapping on stage for people. You know you only live once, so you're just tryna live it to the fullest. You my friend, are also a drunk, but not like Kirk. I wanna say you don't really smoke a lot, but you have and you do smoke. Not a fighter, but hates beefing on the street. You look like you got so drunk once, that you woke up and didn't know where you were and how you got there.
You're serious about this rap. You want to be the best at it, and better than everybody else. You would start yo own label before signing to one. You don't look like leader material though. You're just fun!
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