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Old 08-18-06, 09:45 AM   #10
I Hurt.
Posts: 3,599

Slick it seems ya heads gettin big, So ill disperse this bubble
Cuz like doin something bad, You just aint worth the trouble
I felt this comparison was just not that witty and a bit weak

^^^ a like punch huh? but, it should be better branded...
I can feel that shit in the air...which explains why it never landed
setup was a bit strange, but punch was cool
fuck battles son – write a story, nothing but heavenly...
but fuck the topic<<< because we ALL KNOW thats something youll never be!
okay, not quotable, but a decent concept that ya executed well

Slick lets be honest, Bar for bar i'll lyrically sweep this bitch
Just lay down
Or ill have you fightin to stay up more than disobediant kids
I'm not a fan of these "threat" punches unless they're overly witty n' harsh.. this wasn't.

I feel Slic got this pretty easily. Flow, just try bein' a bit more creative if ya gonna use "comparison" type punches cuz yours were a bit too basic. Both of Slic's punches were above average so I got him winning this.

Vote - SlicKnife
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