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Old 08-18-06, 07:49 PM   #14
New to RV
Posts: 26
From: Hamilton

ima dog this kid, he's a bitch n he'll get a treat like my pet
cuz when i say gooooood luck.. a bones what usually comes next
who cares where your from, your wack<-- n let's make that a bet
cuz no matter your location.. this dude will alway's be in my DET
no time to brag fag.. cuz i can really care less who you be
thoughts of battling me? HA.. well that explaines the L u c



philly you flipped the gameboy concept prety well, but it still didnt appeal to me and seemed played. the rest of your lines were pretty direct and good. you didnt fall off at any points really. troop you had some aight flow, pretty nice multis but you had a few played lines and you came pretty weak overal..

vote artistik

dont sleep
its soliduz!
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