Thread: The LBL Cypher
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Old 08-19-06, 10:22 PM   #50
Middle Weight
Posts: 454
From: England

Originally Posted by Aeral
if i didn't mention you... then you're lucky

Dude's get sized up nowadays, so check my bars prick
& Meters is the ruler of the game.. while im a yardstick
This league's decent though, but this dude's just dim..
I'd put you to the ~test~, but you'd prolly lose to him
You fucking suck faggot. no doubt you're the last geek..
That shit's So.Rell.... like the cat i beat this past week
flow intell has an easy week though, don't mean to offend
Flash is his name..
...cos that's something girls have never done to him
My name is known.. on the other hand, you're just wack son
So i'll be raping euth, but don't call me michael jackson
in fact son, butler's still the champ < dude's thats an insult.
yeah you beat slicKnife...
...but cutting butter is the only time those are helpfull.

at you mentioning others, thats what joking can do...
but that ^^^ isnt the funny part...
..............its the fact EACH ONE of them is doper than you
thats the truth man, you just bring painless lines...
your even wacker than...oh, shit...I cant use your name this time
that was hilarious, but I wont front on your poor handling...
'cause you normally dont let shit slide...unless its your ranking
just quit man, really...its just reckless your showing
you always get a thumbs down 'cause thats the direction your going
shut your crap, damn you know suck at rap
n no one tells Untold...but even he knows your fucking whack!!!
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